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Spectrum TV® Select Signature
- 150+ Channels
- FREE On Demand
- Keep Your Local Networks
- Watch Anywhere
For affordable entertainment in Newport, OR, get a Spectrum Bundle where you can save more on all services per month and get deals on HD DVR service and streaming On Demand video.
Popular Movies, Sports and News
Spectrum TV® Select Signature
Get one of the most extensive channel lineups in Newport with Spectrum. For our most affordable option, choose the TV Select Signature package and bundle it with Voice and Internet or get Spectrum services on their own. Either way, you'll save money on a great package.
Spectrum TV® Select Plus
Spectrum TV® Stream + Internet Premier
Spectrum Mi Plan Latino
Channels & Features of Spectrum TV Select Signature in Newport, Oregon
Spectrum TV Select Signature brings you channels in Newport like ESPN, TNT, TBS, USA, MTV, Disney and Fox News Channel, along with more cable favorites, all your regional sports coverage, local channels and a whole lot more, giving you a quality and affordable HD cable TV lineup. You'll also have access to plenty of HD On Demand options and the ability to watch shows with the press of a button.
In addition, you'll get more than 45 music channels with tunes across all genres, as well as the ability to add DVR services. DVR is great; it allows you to pause, rewind and record live TV, set up recordings for your favorite series and more so you'll never have to miss a thing, even with all these channels! Latino View is our Spanish Language package, bringing you Spanish Language channel favorites for sports, entertainment, news and more.
To get started with Spectrum TV Select Signature in Newport, call 844-457-2310 and a professional technician will be dispatched to set up your HD cable TV in little time. Great service. Great savings. The best and most affordable HD cable TV lineup. All with Spectrum TV.
Make your life easier with a Spectrum bundle and combine your Internet with one of our awesome TV plans. You can enjoy streaming On Demand and online gaming with up to 1 Gig Internet and unlimited Internet data when you sign up.
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